Interactive Kiosks and Wayfinding

Top Corporate Digital Signage Content & Analytics Ideas

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Corporate digital signage content and analytics work together well to produce a better user experience. This guide gives tips about popular content for corporate digital signage and how to use analytics to manage the system and create increased user engagement.

Corporate Digital Signage Content

Here are some ideas about how to create highly-engaging corporate digital signage content.

Clear Messaging

The most important quality of corporate digital signage content is that the messages must be clear and relevant. Deliver the exact message you want to convey using media that aligns with your brand and corporate image.

Slides, Photos, and Illustrations

Using quality, high-resolution, attractive photos reflects well on an organization by conveying a sense that the business has higher standards than the mediocre competition. Photos and images that are paired together create a visual that is easier to remember. Moving slides are eye-catching.

Animated Graphics

Explainer videos made from hand-drawn illustrations on whiteboards are popular because they can convey a pleasant feeling of being back in elementary school with your favorite teacher.

Motion Video

Motion video is an effective way to grab attention. Thanks to the popularity of short-form videos on streaming systems, we are highly visually literate and oriented towards more retention of information by watching a video.

Streaming Video

Streaming video may have enhanced energy when it is live. There is a sense of urgency and excitement when the video is being streamed. Important and urgent corporate messages can be conveyed using live streams as well as coverage of keynote speakers’ addresses at conventions.

Live News Feeds

For organizations impacted by the news, a live news feed can be a welcome addition to the corporate digital signage system. Moreover, there are many types of industry news available as live feeds, which can be integrated into the content of a corporate digital signage system.

Database Feeds

Database feeds are utilized in an automated process to produce things like menus, event schedules, appointment calendars, and other content produced from the information taken from the database.

Text: Headlines and Body Content

Text has a place in corporate digital signage content, but it should be used sparingly. It can be impactful to use intriguing, bold headlines. You can also use short sections of body content displayed using large fonts that are easily read from a distance.

Call to Action

Think about what you want your target audience to do, and then ask them to do it with a call to action. Plenty of research shows improved conversion rates from using a call to action. Adding a call to action where appropriate in your corporate digital signage should improve your results too.


The best practices for analytics are to use them for system monitoring. You may also use key performance indicators (KPIs) as data points for content creation. To be effective in dynamic communication, automate the analytics process as much as possible and collect the data that creates the most helpful insights.

System Analytics

Your system administrators need to know the status of your corporate digital signage system by tracking the reports and statistics offered by the corporate digital signage software and the performance of the system. The corporate digital signage analytics dashboard gives them the information needed.

System analytics information includes:

  • Performance of digital displays with reports on uptime
  • Problem alerts and troubleshooting
  • Monitoring for the history of content plays to avoid over-use
  • Evaluating content’s impact on business results

Business Analytics

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the foundation of business analytics. Comparative analysis of results from previous periods and against benchmarks helps organizations stay on track.

Real-Time Data Display

When a correlation between displayed content and business results is discovered, there is an opportunity to use the content to improve business results.

For example, suppose there is a KPI, such as sales revenue, which is tracked by upper management to use as an indicator of positive business performance. Many organizations find it beneficial to share this data with all employees. When a KPI is presented on corporate digital signage, as it changes in real-time, this serves as a motivator to keep productivity focused on actions that have a beneficial impact on the bottom line.

Displaying real-time data lets everyone know how the organization is doing in the present moment without waiting for reports to come out later. It is more effective for many organizations to see how the company performs now, not how it did.

User Experience

Corporate digital signage is more effective when it provides a positive user experience. Here are some tips about improving the impact of communications and increasing user engagement.

Dwell Time

Dwell time is the time a user spends in front of a screen displaying a corporate digital signage message. The dwell time may be a one-time calculation of the number of seconds to get the message across or cumulative, such as having brief periods in front of a screen yet seeing the same screen daily. Knowing the dwell time helps when making content creation decisions.


Users of corporate digital signage systems appreciate personalization. By using systems based on artificial intelligence, it is now possible to have a system that recognizes the viewers. This can be accomplished using general demographic profile information or specific identification through biometrics, such as facial recognition.


There is a delicate balance between the repetition of messaging to create awareness and the overuse of content to the point that it is ignored. All corporate digital signage systems benefit from presenting an interesting variety of content to avoid overuse.

Final Thoughts

Powerfully effective corporate digital signage sparks engagement with visitors and employees. The goal is to display an interesting variety of compelling and relevant content on all types of screens and at all touchpoints with viewers, such as hallways, elevators, parking lots, cafés, breakrooms, lobbies, and open spaces.

When a corporate digital signage system is managed well, it reinforces the company’s brand and reputation. It supports a desirable company culture that informs employees and visitors. It provides information about your products/services in an engaging way.