Interactive Kiosks and Wayfinding

Employee Email, Newsletters and Mobile Applications

Reach your entire workforce with job specific and targeted data. Digital signage email, newsletters, desktop and mobile applications enhance corporate communications and give employees the collaboration tools they need to successfully complete projects, on-time and safely.

Omnichannel Communications Feeds - Digital Signage, Email, Mobile Apps, and More!

Extend Digital Signage to Email, Desktop and Mobile devices to Drive Employee Engagement

  • Customized Messaging
  • KPI Integration
  • Two-way Communication
  • Push Messaging
  • Proof of Play
  • Omnichannel Delivery

Modernize the Workplace Experience

Utilizing one digital signage platform, with enterprise grade governance, you can streamline communications, link-to and publish content from your existing data resources, generate reports, encourage employee interaction, measure employee engagement, and more. Transform your enterprise communications today with digital signage, desktop, mobile and web applications.

  • Personalized Content

    Drive engagement with customizable content that drives relevancy and results.

  • KPI-Integration

    Integrate with your current internal communications systems, key data metrics, alerts and more.

  • Engagement Feedback Tools

    Full Interactivity included, enabling employees to link to key content, respond to company surveys or even input ideas.

  • Proof-of-Play

    Indicates who viewed, how long, who interacted with content, and what messaging proved most impactful.

  • Targeted Distribution

    Push specific content to a single team member, group, or enterprise wide.

  • Easy Deployment

    Control content delivery with easy push-to-desktop mandatory or optional with rules determined by administrators.

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Let us help you plan your digital signage experience.