Interactive Kiosks and Wayfinding

Digital Signage For New Hire Communications

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Companies may use significant efforts of human resources departments to recruit and hire new employees. However, this is only half of the process for filling an open position. The other half is the onboarding process that brings new hires up to speed quickly and efficiently with policies and work rules they need to know.

Digital Signage for New Hires

Using digital signage for new employees improves the onboarding process. Digital signage is extremely useful for customized presentations.

Suppose you are a new hire, it is your first day on the job, and you want to use the toilet. In an active office, there may be other employees buzzing around, so you can ask someone. How much nicer would it be if a digital display screen welcomed you and politely offered to guide you? Digital signage offers guides to the restrooms or any other place in the facility with a facilities map that is downloadable by scanning a QR code on the digital signage.

The Power of Digital Signage

If something can be displayed on a monitor screen, it can show on a digital sign. Regular computer monitors, flat-screen displays, mobile phones, and other digital devices may connect to the digital signage system. The variety and customized possibilities are endless. Studies show that digital signs are viewed four times as much as static signs, with nearly double the retention rate.

Internal communicators benefit from digital signage because it creates a value-added channel across multiple locations. It can fine-tune the messages for the local audience and keep the message content consistent with the company’s policies.

Messages developed in a centralized location can be shown in geographically-separated places and managed using a channel control dashboard.

QR Codes

Interaction with a digital sign is enhanced by using QR codes. A viewer who wants further information may scan the QR code using a mobile phone and have the information sent to their phone or email address. These QR-code-driven downloads are a measure of engagement. The downloaded information may include expansive coverage of complex topics such as healthcare benefits and choices, profit sharing, stock options, and retirement programs.

Using Digital Signage for Communicating with Employees

It is helpful if new hires learn about a company’s culture. They need to know the team members they will work with and the senior staff to turn to for guidance when they need assistance or have an emergency.

Company Culture

Digital signage is an effective tool when used to promote a company’s culture to new hires. To have workers embrace the company culture, they must first learn about it. Digital signage may present the company’s mission and goals. It may show a virtual tour of the company.

Facilities Map

One effective use of digital signage is to show the locations of key departments within a facility.

Job Openings

Digital signage may announce job openings at the company with the possibility of being promoted from within the company. Digital signage should also promote an employee-referral program. Referrals of potential employees that come from existing employees may help a company hire competent employees more effectively than relying solely on job postings.

Employee Surveys

Digital signage may promote surveys of employees to improve the employee experience.

Rewards for Accomplishments

One of the best ways to improve employee morale is to frequently reward employees and give them a lot of praise for excellence in their work efforts. Workers appreciate recognition for a job well done. Public rewards should have a design that encourages others to follow the example of an accomplished employee.

Safety First

Digital signage can promote on-the-job safety efforts by communicating safety standards with how-to videos showing safety techniques.

Communication in Noisy Environments

One advantage of digital signage is displaying text in noisy environments. Operating heavy machinery may be dangerous. Workers need constant reminders about the proper safety procedures. These reminders can be visually understood on a digital sign when it is too loud to hear anything.

Lower Cost

Compared to printed safety manuals, which may become out-of-date the moment they are printed, a digital communication system can always be easily updated. This method saves money and ensures employees get the most recent information.

Using Digital Signage with Social Media

One method used by many human resource departments is to use a social media platform as a recruiting tool. This strategy includes creating a strong presence on social media, publishing informative videos about the organization, and engaging in discussions with potential employees.

Recruiting millennials is done more easily by establishing a strong reputation on social media and promoting the company’s culture. Research shows that up to 79% of millennials search for a company’s culture before sending an application for employment.

Social media posts can be displayed on digital signage to inform existing employees of open positions and encourage referrals.

Creating a Positive Recruitment Experience

Many of those recently seeking a job turn down a job offer after having a bad experience in the recruitment process. The biggest complaints are abusive interviews, salary is too low, the benefits package is not comprehensive and competitive, and the job description differs from expectations.

Interviewers should have the skills necessary to conduct a great interview by being polite, asking appropriate questions, and avoiding any bias or discrimination, expressed or implied.

Onboarding improvements using digital signage provide a welcoming environment. Another useful method is that internal training protocols about the interview process may be displayed on digital signage in the HR department.

Job seekers may write a negative review of a company after turning down a job offer. Job seekers often choose an organization based on its positive online reviews.

Retaining Key Employees

Retaining key employees may be challenging if the employees experience a negative onboarding process or do not understand and embrace the company’s culture. Digital signage creates an ongoing two-way communication pathway to maintain positive employee relationships.

Final Thoughts

Digital signage remains the lifeline of communication with new and existing employees as long as the content is useful, fresh, and interesting.

Reach out to us for a free strategy session and demo on how to improve communication with employees and how to implement a digital signage communication system in your organization.