Interactive Kiosks and Wayfinding

Advantage of Cloud-Based Digital Signage

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Communicating effectively is a top goal of most companies no matter where they are located, how big they are or how small they are. When companies decide to invest in digital signage software, there are additional choices they need to make. An important one is whether to opt for a cloud-based solution.

The leadership making the decision should seriously consider it as cloud-based digital signage provides powerful advantages to the organization. Here are some of the main benefits you can expect.

Easier Set Up

No matter the initiative, if the set up process is complex, confusing, and requires a lot of steps, it’s going to cause a stressful, rocky experience. Some signage that is not cloud-based can be difficult and take lots of time for IT to set up. Get off on the right foot with a simple set-up instead. Cloud-based digital signage lives in the cloud instead of on your networks. This makes it easy to get set up because it doesn’t need to be integrated or “fitted” into your current application processes. Being an independent choice results in a quicker set up, fewer headaches, and shorter ramp up time for users to understand it and start reaping the rewards of using it.

Greater Flexibility

Making a significant investment in a product that is rigid and difficult to integrate into your current procedures can cause you some problems and not be very effective. It's smart in these cases to search for a better way of doing things. Cloud-based digital signage allows the user to work from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection available. So, instead of having to be on-site at a work computer, a user can add content, edit information, remove outdated messages, and create new streams from their computer, tablet, or smart device. In addition, companies don’t need to create room to store large amounts of data within their servers.

A Seamless, Singular Solution

There’s a trend within companies to reduce the number of moving parts required to meet priorities. This is because every additional component poses potential issues, consistency, and fluidity of processes. With cloud-based digital signage it’s easy to secure everything you need for the system to function productively on the front end. There’s no need for multiple pieces of hardware, displays, support, applications, and hosting. By using a single source for the entire package, set up (as we mentioned above) is easier, and troubleshooting is kept to a minimum. An added benefit is being able to create powerful messaging, add it to your displays, and share it to your audience fast and easy.

Fewer Maintenance Issues

Money isn’t the only cost that decision makers must think about when deciding on a digital signage solution. They also need to look at the time it will take to use and maintain the solution. Digital signage that is not cloud-based can be extremely labor intensive, sucking valuable man hours away from other priorities. From set up to actually using the signage, a cloud-based system is hands down less complex and time-consuming than its traditional counterpart. By requiring less maintenance, cloud-based digital signage leaves both its users and IT support free to work on other projects and the normal workload.

Handy Remote Access

As we already touched on in the “Greater Flexibility” section above, users aren’t tied down to running digital signage from one computer inside the company facility. They are able to log in and access the digital signage software program from down the street or across the country, as long as they have an internet connection. Being able to do this is a big advantage to companies that need their messaging changed quickly or often. Remote access is a valuable benefit of cloud-based digital signage, making it easy for the user to freshen up the content and provide real-time updates if it’s needed. Bottom line is it gives the user greater control and make the ability to communicate more effectively to the audience easier than it's ever been before.

Lower Overall Costs

There are several ways that a cloud-based digital signage system can save money versus a more traditional digital signage set up. With cloud-based digital signage, the solution usually doesn’t require companies to lay out a large amount of funds on the front end. It’s more likely to pay a smaller amount upfront and then pay a subscription fee for the service. This tends to be easier on company budgets. Other good news is that organizations also save money by not having the cost of maintaining an in-house server to store all the data that will reside on the cloud. Finally, the ongoing upkeep is cheaper, since the updates to a cloud-based system are most often free of charge and included because you’re a customer. All of these add up to a product that is much more cost-effective and easier to afford than the older choices.

A Better User Experience

Success is not only measured by money saved. It can also be measured by the level of satisfaction the users have with the product or service. Cloud-based digital signage is the definite winner by these standards. A more cohesive, intuitive, robust experience is key in getting buy in and ensuring everyone involved gives their best efforts. Using cloud-based technology assists users in doing their job well giving them user permissions they need to update information and share data, announcements, safety information, wayfinding, promotions, and other messaging depending on the company initiatives. Ease of use is the way of the present, and users demand it in their products. Cloud-based digital signage delivers.

Choosing to invest in a digital signage platform is the first step in the effort to increase communication efficiency, deliver dynamic content, and drive a more positive experience. Decision makers should review the many aspects of a cloud-based system and the advantages it provides. The cost savings is just the beginning of the benefits that can be enjoyed from such a solution.